GRB Pure Ghee (Bundle of 4 x 200g)
GRB Pure Ghee (Bundle of 4 x 200g)
Best Before Date : 29 June 2025
GRB Ghee is clarified butter that is usually prepared from cow's milk. It is the clean butterfat left over after the milk solids and water are removed from the butter. Ghee is a good supply of energy and gives energy to the human body.
Nutrient: Protein(0g), Total Fat(99.7g), Saturated Fat(58g), Trans Fat(2g), Cholesterol(190mg), Carbohydrates(0g), Sugar(0g), Sodium(0mg, Vitamin A(3461 IU)
Ingredients: Milk Fat
Allergen: NA
Storage: Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.
Weight: 800g
Origin: India
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